Tuesday, February 26, 2008

chips, chips, chips... du du du du du...

i frikkin' love paolo conte. i'm listening to a mix i made, containing songs i probably shouldn't have spent money on. but right now, they're making me very happy. (currently: the buzzcocks.)

so i sent out an evite for my trunk show. now i just have to get my butt in gear and actually organize stuff. crappy part: jenny can't come. like a fool, i didn't check my calendar, and jenny'll be in texas for her mom's 60th birthday. poop. i mean, yay, mom, but poop on me for not checking to see if she'd be in town.

so. things to do before the trunk show: clean the house. make a stuffed form/display for my bracelets (rolling up a wad of fabric didn't work. maybe i'll try to make a bolster pillow, instead). while i'm at it, revamp or recreate my other displays. there are so many pretty displays out there, but i don't want my stuff to look like other people's stuff. there's so much competition out there in the handcrafted-jewelry world; i need to differentiate myself somehow.

ideas are appreciated. :)

oh, here's my latest and last piece, until i get my act in gear for the trunk show.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Job Wanted


Full-time editorial position, anywhere but in the publishing industry. A position in an association would be nice, as long as I don't have to feign interest if it's a crappy association. Within 20 miles of my house would be great; within walking distance of a Metro stop would be even better. Position must not start before 10 a.m., and liberal holidays and leave should be provided. Must provide excellent health-care benefits, 401(k) matching, paid time off, and free parking if the Metro stop part isn't available. Casual dress code, unless I feel like getting fancy. Coworkers must be more than bearable; whistlers and absentminded-tappers are unacceptable. Meeting attendance should be voluntary, and meetings should be held to a bare minimum. If management doesn't actually have a clue what's going on within the organization, no attempt should be made to fake it. Furthermore, policies should apply companywide if they are to apply at all - none of this "management can still fly first-class" bullshit.

Job duties should include substantive editing and copy editing; no managing whatsoever. In fact, if things could just be put on my desk and then retrieved, we can just call that workflow management and be done with it.

Other stipulations as they come to me.

welcome to newmoonpie!

i'm always bad at updating stuff like this. we'll see if it sticks.

welcome to newmoonpie! i'm jen, and i make pretty jewelry, based on the idea that the classics don't have to be relegated to the past. pearls with jeans and sneakers, i say.

please visit my website, www.newmoonpie.com, and my shop on etsy at newmoonpie.etsy.com. (incidentally, if you haven't been to etsy, you're missing out. it's like ebay, only everything's handmade and awesome, and there are way fewer prada knock-offs.)

the latest at newmoonpie is that i'm taking a hiatus from creating new stuff, for about a month. i did a show last saturday (etsyCREST's Savage Snowdrop, which was lovely), and after selling nothing, i realized that it doesn't make sense to keep buying supplies and making stuff just to fill my office at home with said stuff.


i'm having a trunk show on 3/22, at my house in silver spring. if you're interested, i'd love for you to come out and see my latest creations. there'll be foods and drinks, and lots of fun stuff to try on. heck, there'll even be door prizes. why? because i can.

if you'd like to attend, please e-mail me at newmoonpie (at) gmail (dot) com.

if you can't attend, please feel free to visit my website - it's just launched, all soft-like, but there's a good bit of new stuff there that wasn't on the old site. holler if you have any questions!

jen at newmoonpie